DBDA Test Welcome to your DBDA Test 1. Find the word that means the same. "FAST" old rapid slow early late None 2. Find the word that means the same. DECEIVE blunder obtain conceal mislead disclose None 3. Find the word that means the same. EXCESS waste depurture surplus tax approach None 4. Find the word that means the same. BELIEAVABLE admirable real personable unlikely credible None 5. Find the word that means the same. CONTEMPLATE heal advance meditate rest worry None 6. Find the word that means the same. AMIABLE friendly humorous healthy convincing polished None 7. Find the word that means the same. TURMOIL circular turbulent calm spinning air-borne None 8. Find the word that means the same. DECEPTIVE illogical illusory magical visible clear None 9. Find the word that means the same. WHIMSICAL unlike musical dancing unpradictable equatorial None 10. Find the word that means the same. APATHETIC ignorant indifferent pitiful concerned clever None 11. Find the word that means the same. ARDUOUS repulsive loving easy interesting strenous None 12. Find the word that means the same. PLACATE cover beautify arouse plasticize appease None 13. Find the word that means the same. CLANDESTINE furtive safe tribal open healthful None 14. Find the word that means the same. VINDICATE deny state persecute defend accuse None 15. Find the word that means the same. INCULCATE grow inquire instill compute acquire None 16. STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT Take things as you find them Hot love is cold Make hay while the sun shines First think and then speak None 17. Match the similar word rodba dnbra aibnr radeb bneas None 18. Match the similar word sisleln nselsu rsipmes drusens ruseds None 19. Match the similar word lowilw rdweno dwowni nawred nidrem None 20. Match the similar word rgaon gapna lpano ginaa garin None 21. Match the similar word rygzeran ezcymai izonrega yezirdan nyoneiza None Time's upTime is Up!