Taste, smell & touch Response
Mispronounce (or used to) only certain words (e.g., says amunul for animal, poothtaste for toothpaste)
Have difficulty reading unfamiliar words or guess at them?
Pause, repeat or make mistakes when reading aloud?
Struggle to understand what he or she has read?
Avoid reading for pleasure?
Make spelling errors in homework assignments?
Have trouble with punctuation and capitalization?
Have difficulty getting thoughts down on paper?
Confuse math symbols and/or operations? {e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division}
Have difficulty comparing the relative size of whole numbers and/or fractions? (e.g., Which is largest: 347 or 743? Which is largest:¼ or½)?
Reverse numbers? {e.g., 81 for 18}
Struggle with concepts related to time and/or money? {e.g., days, weeks, months, hours; penny, nickel, dime} Struggle to differentiate facts from fantasy?
Express anxiety or frustration?
Seem to tire easily when doing school work?
Complain of aches, pains or other discomforts?
Say she/he feels stupid or not as smart as other kids? Resist authority? {e.g., argue with or frequently disobey parents and/or teachers}
Struggle to follow spoken directions or explanations, especially when there are no illustrations?
Have difficulty understanding spoken language when there is a lot of background noise?
Struggle to participate in extended conversations or miss parts of conversations?
Struggle with science and/or history terms, concepts or facts? {e.g., What is a mammal? What is democracy?}
Have difficulty following verbal jokes or a story read aloud by an adult?
Have difficulty maintaining attention for more than 15 minutes?
Take a long time to complete simple tasks?
Have difficulty planning and/or organizing tasks?
Lose track of time or misplace objects?
Have trouble tolerating boredom or tedious tasks?
Does the child draw simple shapes if you ask him to?
Does the child safely navigate the environment when you take the child to the park?
Does the child imitate body movements when you perform a song in front of him?
Does the child follow the rhythm when you clap a bit?
Does the child participate in art class at school?
Does the child shorten objects when you do worksheets like differentiating color?
Does the child maintain balance if you ask him to follow a daily routine?
Does the child ask for food if he is hungry?
Does the child enjoy playing in groups?
Does the child track the ball when you play with him with a ball?
Does the child enjoy the texture of the grass when he plays in the park?
Does the child independently feed with a spoon?
Does the child quickly respond if you ask anything?
Does the child enjoy wearing a variety material if you give him something?
Does the child follow the instructions step by step if you ask him to complete a task?
Does the child show interest in trying new foods when you take him to a restaurant?
Does the child have any problems to playing on sand?
Does the child independently drink If you give him a cup of milk?
Does the child differentiate if you ask to shorten fruits and flowers?
Does the child settle down easily if he starts crying?
Does the child point out body parts if you ask him to?
Does the child independently wash his hands if they’re messy?
Is the child happy if his mother hugs him?
Does the child ask for help if she faces any problems?
Does the child manipulate playdoh if you ask him to make an object?
Does the child independently dress himself if you leave him to do so?
Does the child identify familiar objects if you ask him?
Does the child enjoy swinging and sliding when you take her to the playground?
Does the child copy building blocks independently?
Does the child identify simple shapes If you show him a shape chart?